Keyword: Crusades

Displaying results from 1 to 17 of 17

Anonymous / Unknown

Symbolic Drawing of the Graveyard or Tombstone of the King Sebastian of Portugal, died as a martyr in a 16th century crusades to North Africa. (1622)

from: Juan Baptista Morales. Jornada de África del Rey Don Sebastian de Portugal, compuesto por Juan Bautista de Morales, natural de Montilla, a don Juan Fernández de Córdoba y Aguilar, Seville, Gabriel Ramos Bejarano, 1622.

Anonymous / Unknown

Templars being burned at the stake. (14th Century)

from: 14th century Manuscript Chronicle titled: Von der Schöpfung der Welt bis 1384 [ From the Creation of the World until 1384 ].

Bibliothèque Municipale, Besançon, France.

Claesz van Wieringen, Cornelis (1577 - 1633)

The Capture of Damiate (1219) (about 1625 - 1627)

from: oil on canvas

The Frans Hals Museum (section: Dutch Golden Age paintings).

Féréol Papety, Dominique Louis (1815 - 1849)

Guillaume de Clermont defending Ptolemais (Acre) from Saracen siege in 1291 (1845)

from: oil on canvas

Salles des Croisades : Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles (France)

Féréol Papety, Dominique Louis (1815 - 1849)

The Siege of Acre (1291) (about 1840)

from: oil on canvas

Salles des Croisades : Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles (France)

Displaying results from 1 to 17 of 17