Keyword: Catholicism
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De Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento Et Sacrificio Theologica Disputatio
Dillingen an der Donau: Ioannes Mayer, 1588.
Disputatio de Eucharistiae sacramento et missae sacrificio per theses explicata publiceque defensa (respondente Sebastiano Faber)
Ingolstadt: [Alexander] Weissenhorn ; [Samuel] Weissenhorn, 1566.
Examen doctrinae Sorbonicae, De Eucharistiae sacramento & sacrificio
n. p.: n. p., 1566.
A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith of the holy sacrifice and sacrament ordeyned by Christ at his last Supper with a declaration of the Berengarian heresie renewed in our age: and an answere to certain sermons made by M. Robert Bruce minister of Edinburgh concerning this matter
Antwerp: Ioachim Trognesius, 1593.
The Martyrdom of the Franciscan and Japanese Martyrs at Nagasaki (1621)
Church of San Bernardino di Siena, Chiari
Holy altar and sacrifice explain'd: in some familiar dialogues on the mass, and what may appertain to it: For the more easy Information and Instruction of those who desire to hear Mass well, and to assist at that great Sacrifice, according to the Spirit and Intention of the Church. With an appendix, concerning saying mass in Latin, and of pronouncing the secret prayers and the canon with a low voice. By P.B.O.S.F.
London: T. Lewis; T. Meighan; J. Coghlan; J. Marmaduke, 1768.
De Iustitia Britannica, sive Anglica: quae contra Christi martyres continenter exercetur.
Ingolstadt: Davidis Sartorii, 1584.
De probatis Sanctorum historiis: partim ex tomis Aloysii Lipomani doctissimi episcopi. partim etiam ex egregiis manuscriptis codicibus, quarum per mulktae antehac nunquam in lucem prodiere: nunc recens optima fide callectis
Cologne: Geruinum Calenium et haeredes Quentelios, 1570.
L'antimartyrologe, ou Vérité manifestée contre les histoires des supposés martyrs de la religion prétendue réformée, imprimèe à Geneve onse fois. Divisé en douze livres. Monstrant la difference des vrairs Martyrs d'avec les faux, corporellement executez en divers lieux. Tous les articles controversés de nostre foy y estans espliqués selon les authoritez de l'Escriture saincte & des anciens peres. Ensemble l'impie doctrine des Heretiques y refutée, pur la defense de l'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique et Romaine.
Lyon: Simon Rigaud, 1622.
Keywords: CatholicismFrance
De missae sacrificio, succincta quaedam enarratio
Lovanio: Ioannis Bogardus, 1562.
Theologia Moralis Sacramentalis: In IV. Partes Divisa Ad Instructionem Ordinandorum & Curandorum Ex Materia De Sacramentis In Genere Et In Specie, I. De Ordine, & Horis Canonicis. II. De Sacerdotio, Sacrificio, & Eucharistia. III. De Poenitentia. IV. De Matrimonio, Item de Peccatis contra Sextum
Salzburg: Joannis Baptista Mayr, 1700.
Censura Catholica thesium, De sacrificio Novi Testamenti, in Synodo Pastorum Lutheranorum Carlsruhae die X. Septembris MDCCL. ventilatrum
Heidelberg: Johann Jakob Haener, 1751.