Keyword: Blood Libel

Displaying results from 21 to 40 of 42

Jesi, F.

in: L'accusa del sangue. La macchina mitologica antisemita, pp.

Milano: Bollati Boringhieri, 2007.

Korenjak, M.; Schnur, R. - Tempe, A.Z. (Eds.)

Latin Poetry about Simon of Trento

in: Acta Conventus Neo- Latini Budapestensis, pp. 397–406

Tempe, AZ: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 2010.

Landay-Czajka, A. ; Steinlauf, M.C. - Polonsky, A. (Eds.)

The Last Controversy over Ritual Murder? The Debate over the Paintings in Sandomierz Cathedral

in: Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 16: Focusing on Jewish Popular Culture and Its Afterlife, pp. 483-490

Liverpool: Liverpool University Press., 2003.

Quaglioni, D. ; Perini, V. (Ed.)

Uno stereotipo antigiudaico per immagini

in: Il Simonino. Geografia di un culto.Con saggi di Diego Quaglioni e Laura Dal Prà , pp. 9-16

Trento: Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche, 2012.

Strack, H.

in: Das Blut im Glauben und Aberglauben der Menschheit. Mit besonderer Berück-sichtigung der ‘Volksmedizin’ und des ‘jüdischen Blutritus’, pp.

Munich: -, 1900.

Taradel, R.

in: L’accusa del sangue. Storia politica di un mito antisemita, pp.

Roma: Editori Riuniti, 2002.

Teter, M. ; Avrutin, E. M. - Dekel-Chen, J. - Weinberg, R. (Eds.)

The Sandomierz Paintings of Ritual Murderr as Lieux de Mémoire

in: Ritual Murder in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Beyond: New Histories of an Old Accusation, pp. 253-278

Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2017.

Yuval, I. J.

in: Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, pp.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

Displaying results from 21 to 40 of 42