Keyword: Angel – Image Gallery

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1218)
from: Psalter of Queen Ingeborg (Paris)
Chantilly, Musee Conde, Ms.9, folio 11r

The Sacrifice of Isaac [1350]
from: Rudolf von Ems: Weltchronik. Böhmen (Prague)
Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek Fulda, Aa 88, fol. 50r

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1560)
Royal Library of Belgium

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1430)
from: Ms Hazine 2153, fol. 119
Istanbul, Topkapi Palace Museum, Hazine 2153, fol. 119

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1378-1413)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis
Biblioteca Vaticana,, fol. 35v

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 32v
British Museum, London

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1455)
from: Gospels, Armenia (monastery of Gamałiēl in Xizan), Walters Manuscript W.543, fol. 4r
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland

Angel announcing the Birth of Samson, from the Story of Samson (1560–80)
from: France
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Ibrâhîm [Abraham] holding a knife is about to sacrifice his son Ismâ'îl (Ishmael) who kneels before him (1580)
from: Qisas al-Anbiyâ [Qazvin?]
The New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Persian MS. 46

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1597)
Augsburg, Dom

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1309)
from: Brussels Pentateuch, Brussels, 1309
(Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Codex Levy 19, f. 34v

The sacrifice of Abraham (1655)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

The Sacrifice of Isaac [1581]
from: Ishâq al-Nishâpûrî, Histoire du Coran ou Histoires des prophètes et des rois du passé. Qesas al-anbiyâ [Persan 54, fol. 32v]
Paris, BnF, ms Persan 54 fol. 32v

Abraham's Sacrifice (XVII)
Metropolitan Museum, New York

The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th)
from: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ, Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3

Samson's mother seated at centre, her hands folded in her lap, Manoah and his wife at an altar with an angel in flames in background (1590-1595)
from: Mater Sampsonis, from Icones Illustrium Feminarum Veteris Testamenti
The British Museum, London

Manoah and his wife sacrificing (1670)
from: La Saincte Bible, Contenant le Vieil and la Nouveau Testament, Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures/Sacra Biblia, nouo et vetere testamento constantia eximiis que sculpturis et imaginibus illustrata, De Limprimerie de Gerard Jollain

The sacrifice of Manoah (from the series: Life of Samson) (1549)
London, British Museum

The Angel Departing from Manoah and His Wife (Victima per Manuen, domino mactatur optima: Vxor) (1584)
from: The Story of Samson, Hand-colored engravings (Netherlands)
Harvard Art Museum