Keyword: Christian-Islamic relations – Image Gallery
Abraham's Sacrifice [1750 - 1775]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Abraham and the Binding of Ishmael (17th Century)
Haft Tanan (Seven Tombs) Mausoleum, Shiraz
Discovery of the leaden books of Sacromonte (Granada) [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
Martyrdom of Saint Roderick (17th Century)
Church of San Juan de Dios, Cabra (Spain)
Armenian Priest Dergoumidas before the Grand Vizier (1742 - 1743)
Private collection
Effigie del Venerabil Padre Fra Alipio di S. Giuseppe, scalzo di S. Agostino Palermitano, in odio della nostra santa Fede crudelmente ucciso da' Turchi in Tripoli di Barbaria à 17. di Febbraio 1645. La maggior parte delle cui Ossa fù maravigliosam[en]te trasportata à Sicilia nella terra di Palma. (1657)
from: Maggio, F.M. Vita, e morte del venerabil P. F. Alipio di S. Giuseppe Scalzo di S. Agostino Palermitano della congregazione d'Italia, in odio della confessione della S. Fede di Giesù Cristo, crudelissimamente ucciso da' Turchi di Barberia, nella città di Tripoli, a 17 di febbraio l'anno 1645. Roma, Ignatio de Lazzari, 1657.
Dergoumidas, Prestre Armenien condamné par le Grand Visir Ali Pacha, mourut Martir le 5 Novembre 1707. (1707 - 1708)
from: Ferriol, Ch., Marquis Le Hay & Mour, J.-B. van. Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, tirees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1714, engraving n. 85, pp. 44-47; [Also found in: Explication des cent estampes qui representent differentes nations du Levant avec de nouvelles estampes, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1715].
The Saracen: I would rather hang myself with a noose, than suffer the vengeance of Christians for having blasphemed Christ. [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature III).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
V[enerabile] P[adre] Fra’ Alippio da S[an] Gius[eppe] Agost[inia]no Scalzo Pal[ermita]no Ucciso in Tripoli in odio della S[anta] Fede nel 1645. [18th Century]
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Raymond Lull Demonstrating the Truth of Christianity to Infidels through Intellectual and Rational Arguments (Breviculum, miniature IX). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature IX).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (died on March 13, 857 AD) (19th Century)
Sacresty of the Church Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
Raymond Lull’s supposed martyrdom in Tunis [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature X).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Franciscan Matryrs in Morocco (1708)
from: San Juan del Puerto, F. Mission Historial de Marruecos: en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones y trabajos que han padecido los Missionarios y fruto que han cogido las Missiones que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el imperio de Marruecos y continua la provincia de San Diego de Franciscos Descalços de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio... por Fr. Francisco de San Juan de el Puerto. Francisco Garay, Sevilla, 1708.
Abraham sacrificing his Son Ishmael and Abraham cast into Fire by Nimrod (1583)
from: ms. Zubdat-al Tawarikh
Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Istambul
S[a]n Rodrigo, Patrono de Cabra (19th Century)
Sacresty of the San Francisco y San Rodrigo Church, Cabra (Spain). Oil on Zinco plate.
Miniature from Raymond Lull's Vita coetanea or a Threaty on the Demonstration of the Truth of Christianity through Art (Breviculum, miniature VIII). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature VIII).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Miniature from Raymond Lull's Vita coetanea or a Threaty on the Demonstration of the Truth of Christianity through Art (Breviculum, miniature V). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature V).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
The origins of Raymond Lull's works and his explication of the Christian theory of Sacrifice (Breviculum, miniature I) [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature I).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Discovery of the leaden books of Sacromonte (Granada) [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.