Editor: Marco Albertoni

Displaying results from 141 to 160 of 690

Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto

Sacrifice of Noah [1630 - 1664]

Palazzo Bianco - Musei di Strada Nuova, Genoa

Chilton, B.; Baumgartner, A. I. (Ed.)

Eucharist: Surrogate, Metaphor, Sacrament of Sacrifice

in: Sacrifice in Religious Experience, pp. 175-188

Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002.

Keywords: Eucharist

Coleran, J. E.

Origins of the Old Testament Sacrifice

in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly, v. 2 (1940), issue 2: pp.130-144.

Collaert, Adriaen

Spiritus timoris domini (1593 - 1597)

from: Adriaen Collaert; Johannes Stradanus, De zeven gaven van de Heilige Geest, n. p., Visscher, Claes Jansz, no year

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Collaert, Adriaen ; Van Der Straet, Jan

Tuta Philistaei secta cervice tyranni [...] [1590]

from: Adriaen Collaert ; Jan Van Der Straet, Encomium musices, Antwerp, Philippe Galle, [1590]

Displaying results from 141 to 160 of 690