Editor: Francesco Quatrini
Girard, Religion, Violence, and Martyrdom
in: The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, pp. 910-924
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Girard, Religion, Violence, and Martyrdom
in: The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, pp. 910-924
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
The Theatre of Death: Rituals of Justice from the English Civil Wars to the Restoration
Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2016.
Constructing Cromwell: Ceremony, Portrait, and Print 1645-1661
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
The Appellation of Iohn Knoxe from the Cruell and Most Iniust Sentence Pronounced Against Him by the False Bishoppes and Clergie of Scotland, With His Supplication and Exhortation to the Nobilitie, Estates, ad Comunaltie of the Same Realme
Gèneve: s.n., 1558.
Idolatry of Jeroboam (1780)
from: Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus, naar het Grieksch in 't Engelsch gebragt en verkort, waar by gevoegd is: de twee boeken van Josephus tegens Appion; zyn Richtsnor der Reden, of het martelaarschap der Macchabeen, en 't gezantschap van Philo den Jood aan den keizer Cajus Caligula. Uit het Engelsch in het Nederduitsch vertaald. Eerste deel, Amserdam, J. van Gulik, 1780, p. 300
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1710-1720]
Musée de l'Histoire de France, Versailles
King Jeroboam Making Sacrifice to the Golden Calf (17 - 18)
Staten Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Histoire d'Angleterre, de Cosse, et d'Irlande; avec un abregé des évenements les plus remarquables arrivés dans les autres etats; par Monsieur De Larrey, conseiller de la cour et des ambassades du Roi de Prusse. Tome quatrieme, qui contient l'histoire depuis Charles I jusqu'a Guillame III inclusivement. Enrichi des portraits des rois, reines, et autres personnes illlustres
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Iphigenie. Tragedie
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La tragédie religieuse en France
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La tragédie religieuse en France
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The Blood Sacrifice Complex
Menasha, WI: American Anthropological Association, 1924.
The Blood Sacrifice Complex
Menasha, WI: American Anthropological Association, 1924.
Dr. Walker's True, Modest, and Faithful Account of the Author of Eikōn basilikē, Strictly Examined, and Demonstrated to Be False, Impudent, and Deceitful. In Two Parts, the First Disproving It to Be Dr. Gauden's. The Second Proving it to Be King Charles the First's
London: R. Talor, 1693.
Philosophia antigua poetica del doctor Alonso Lopez Pinciano, medico cesareo. Dirigida al Conde Iohanes Keuehilerde Aichelberg, Conde de Frankemburg, Baron absoluto de Landtscron y de Wernsperg, Señor de Osteruiz y Carlsperg, Cavallerizo Mayor perpetuo y hereditario del Archiducado de Carinthia, Cavallero de la orden del Tuson del Rey nuestro señor, y del Consejo y de la Camara del Emperador, y su Embaxador en las Españas
Madrid: Thomas Iunti, 1596.