Editor: Chiara Petrolini

Displaying results from 61 to 80 of 774

Anderson, G. ; Friedman, D. N. (Ed.)


in: Anchor Dictionary of the Bible, pp. 870-886

New York: Doubleday, 1991.

Anderson, G. A. ; Freedman, D. N. F. (Ed.)

Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings (OT)

in: Anchor Bible Dictionary, pp. 870-886

Yale : Yale University Press, 1992.

Keywords: Bible

Andreas V. Wadskjær, A.V. - Nederby, J.H. - Ørsted Brandt, L.; Walsh, M. J. - O'Neill, S. - Moen, M. - Gullbekk. S. H. (Eds.)

Human sacrifices at Huaca Pucllana in Lima, Peru

in: Human Sacrifice and Value. Revisiting the Limits of Sacred Violence from an Anthropological and Archaeological Perspective, pp. Chap. 10

: , .

Anspach, M.; Hodder, I. (Ed.)

Paired Leopards and Encircled Prey: Images of Rivalry and Sacrifice at Çatalhöyük

in: Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East. Girardian Conversations at Çatalhöyük , pp. 129-150

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Arinze, F. A.

in: Sacrifice in Igbo Religion, pp.

Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1970.

Keywords: Africa

Aulén, Gustaf

Eucharist and sacrifice

Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1958.

Austin L. - López Luján A. - López Luján L.; Brumfiel E. M. - Feinman G. M. (Eds.)

Aztec human sacrifice

in: The Aztec World, pp. 137-152

New York: Abrams, 2008.

Awolalu, J. O.

in: Yoruba Beliefs and Sacrificial Rites, pp.

London: Longman, 1979.

Keywords: Africa

Baal, J. van

De Fenomenologie van Offer en Geschenk.

in: Nederlands Theologisch Tifdschrift, pp. 1-19

: , 1975.

Baal, J. van

Offering, Sacrifice and Gift

in: Numen, v. 23 (1976), issue : pp.161-178.

Baaren, Th. P. van

Theoretical Speculations on Sacrifice

in: Numen, v. 11 (1964), issue : pp.1-12.

Displaying results from 61 to 80 of 774