Editor: Chiara Petrolini

Displaying results from 721 to 740 of 774

Warburg, A.; Warnke, M. - Brink, C. (Eds.)

Der Bilderatlas Mnemosyne

in: Gesammelte Schriften

Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2003.

Watteville, J.

in: Le Sacrifice dans les textes eucharistiques des premières siècles, pp.

Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1966.

Keywords: Eucharist

Werbner, P.; Bonte, P. - Brisebarre A. M. - Gokalp A. (Eds.)

Langar : pèlerinage, échanges sacrés et sacrifice permanent autour d’un saint soufi au Pakistan

in: Sacrifices en Islam: Espaces et temps d'un rituel, pp. 287-306

: , 1999.

Keywords: IslamPakistan

Wilks, I.

Asante: human sacrifice or capital punishment? A rejoinder.

in: The International Journal of African Historical Studies, v. 21 (1988), issue 3: pp.443-452.

Willerslev, R.

God on trial. Human sacrifice, trickery, and faith

in: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, v. 3 (2013), issue 1: pp.140–154.

Willerslev, R.; Vitebsky, P.; Alekseyev, A.

Sacrifice As the Ideal Hunt: A Cosmological Explanation for the Origin of Reindeer Domestication

in: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, v. 21 (2015), issue 1: pp.1-23.

Displaying results from 721 to 740 of 774