Keyword: Lutheranism
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Johannes Hus - Martyr : Historice descriptus, & Consensu Ampliss. Facult. Phil. Solenni Disputatione. Moderatore Dn. M. Adamo Rechenberg. S.S. Theolog. Baccal. et facult. Phil. Assessore, Aer. Chr. MDCLXXI. D. II. Dec. Eruditis a Johanne Wernero, Vratisl. Phil. Baccal. Autore-Respond. publice exhibitus
Leipzig: Johann-Enrici Hahnii, 1671.
The woodcut on the title page of Dye histori depicts the martyrdom of Heinrich Voes and Johann van Esschen (1523). The image shows the two Augustinian monks tied to stakes amidst flames, symbolizing their execution by fire (1523)
from: Dye histori so zwen Augustiner Ordens gemartert seyn tzu Bruxel in Probant von wegen des Evangeli
Dye histori so zwen Augustiner Ordens gemartert seyn tzu Bruxel in Probant von wegen des Evangeli
Erfurt: Wolfgang Stürmer, 1523.
Orthodoxorum Patrum Sententiae aliquot de Missali Sacrificio, explicatae per Doct. Urbanum Regium
Wittenberg: Georg Rhau, 1533.
De Consecratione, Mystico Sacrificio, Et Duplici Christi oblatione adversus Vannium Lutherologiæ professorum: De Poculo Sanguinis Christi & introitu in sancta sanctorum, interiora velaminis adversus Bezam: cum refutationibus quarundam propositionum Calvinologia própugnatoris
Lutetia: Sebastianus Nivellius, 1569.
Adolf Clarenbach (1992)
Kölner Rathaus, Cologne