Keyword: Heresy
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The originall of idolatries: or, The birth of heresies: a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam
London: George Purslowe ; Miles Flesher, 1624.
A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith of the holy sacrifice and sacrament ordeyned by Christ at his last Supper with a declaration of the Berengarian heresie renewed in our age: and an answere to certain sermons made by M. Robert Bruce minister of Edinburgh concerning this matter
Antwerp: Ioachim Trognesius, 1593.
Historia verdadera del falso y perverso profeta Mahoma. Sacada de S. Eulogio, Juan Sagredo, fray Jayme Bleda y otros
Murcia: Francisco Benedito, 1772.
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