Keyword: English Civil War
A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury with a more perfect copy of his speech, and other passages on the scaffold, than hath beene hitherto imprinted.
Oxford: n. p. , 1644.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Histoire d'Angleterre, de Cosse, et d'Irlande; avec un abregé des évenements les plus remarquables arrivés dans les autres etats; par Monsieur De Larrey, conseiller de la cour et des ambassades du Roi de Prusse. Tome quatrieme, qui contient l'histoire depuis Charles I jusqu'a Guillame III inclusivement. Enrichi des portraits des rois, reines, et autres personnes illlustres
Rotterdam: Fritsch et Böhm, 1713.
The History Of The Troubles And Tryal Of The Most Reverend Father in God, and Blessed Martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Wrote by himself, during his Imprisonment in the Tower. To which is prefixed the diary of his own life. Faithfully and Entirely Published from the Original Copy: and subjoined a Supplement to the Preciding History The Arch-Bishp's Last Will; His Large Answer to the Lord Say's Speech Concerning Liturgies; His Annual Accounts of his Province Delivered to the King; and some other Things related to the History.
London: Chiswell, 1695.
Thomas Wentworth Speaks before His Execution (1701)
from: Ludolff, Hiob. Allgemeine Schau-Bühne der Welt, oder: Beschreibung der vornehmsten Welt-Geschichte. Deel II, Frankfurt am Main, Johann David Zunnern, 1701, vol. 2, p. 905
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Karel Stuard Koning van Groot Brittanien. Binnen Londen Onthalst den 13 van Januari 1649 (1698)
from: Bos, Lambert van den. Treur-toonneel der doorluchtige mannen, of Op- en Ondergang der grooten, vertoont in rampzalige geschienissen van Keyzers, Koningen, Prinsen, Vorsten, en andere voorname personagien. Beginnende met het Roomsche Keizerryk, en vervolgende tot aan 't jaar 1698. Uit menigte van schryvers, en verscheidene taalen, by een gebracht door Lambert van den Bosch. Tweede deel, bevattende de derde en vierde afdeeling, Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1698, vol. 2, p. 404.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Eikonoklaste, ou Réponse au livre intitulé Eikon Basilike: ou Le pourtrait de sa Sacrée Majesté durant sa solitude et ses souffrances. Par le sr. Jean Milton. Traduite de l'anglois sur la seconde et plus ample edition; et revûe par l'auteur. A laquelle son ajoûtées diverses piéces, mentionnées en ladite réponse, pour la plus grande commodité du lecteur
London: William Dugard; Nicolas Bourne, 1652.
An Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the Beginning of the Scotch Rebellion in the Year MDCXXXIX to the Murther of King Charles I. Wherein the First Occasions and the Whole Series of the Late Troubles in England, Scotland, and Ireland, are faithfully represented. Taken from Authentic Records and Methodically Digested. Vol. I
London: S. Mearne-T. Dring-B. Tooke-T. Sawbridge-C. Mearne, 1682.
An Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the Beginning of the Scotch Rebellion in the Year MDCXXXIX to the Murther of King Charles I. Wherein the First Occasions and the Whole Series of the Late Troubles in England, Scotland, and Ireland, are faithfully represented. Taken from Authentic Records and Methodically Digested. Vol. II
London: S. Mearne-T. Dring-B. Tooke-T. Sawbridge-C. Mearne, 1683.