Keyword: Elijah
Killing of the Prophets of Baal [1519 - 1524]
Siena Cathedral
Sacrifice of the Priests of Baal [1519 - 1524]
Siena Cathedral
The sacrifice of Elijah (1519-1524)
Siena Cathedral
Tuta Philistaei secta cervice tyranni [...] [1590]
from: Adriaen Collaert ; Jan Van Der Straet, Encomium musices, Antwerp, Philippe Galle, [1590]
Elijah and Baal's priests (1545)
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Sacrifice of Elijah (1552-1557)
Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig
The sacrifice of Elijah against the prophets of Baal (1653)
Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Corsini; cartella VOL.I
The Sacrifice of Elijah (1543)
from: Historiarum Veteris Testamenti icones ad vivum expressae. Lyon, Subscuto coloniensis, apud Ioannem & Franciscum Frellonios, frates, 1543
Louvre, Paris
The Sacrifice of Elijah (1543)
from: Historiarum Veteris Testamenti icones ad vivum expressae. Lyon, Subscuto coloniensis, apud Ioannem & Franciscum Frellonios, frates, 1543
Louvre, Paris
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Elijah and the Priests of Baal (1525-1530)
from: Scenes for a 'Biblia Pauperum' published by Doen Pietersz
British Museum, London
Elias offer. I. Regum. XVIII (1708)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Asservere Dei cultum miracula missa, Heliae manibus turba prophana cadit (1585)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Elijah confounds the prophets of Baal by putting their God to a challenge. Only Elijah's sacrifice to God is consumed by fire (III Kings 18: 25-40) (1539)
from: Britain
Boston, The Harvard Art Museums
After water had thrice been poured over Elijah's sacrifice, fire descended from heaven to consume it, whereupon the people renounced the worship (1530-1538)
from: Book of Hours. Use of Rome (Hours of Eleonora Ippolita Gonzaga)
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 29
The sacrifice of Elijah on Mount Carmel [1531]
Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli
I. Regum XVIII, Quam frustra Baalita suis clamoribus optat [1712]
from: C. Wiegel, Historiae celebriores veteris testamenti iconibus representatae, et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae a Christophoro Weigelio, Noribergae, 1712, n. p.