Keyword: England – Image Gallery

Iudicia et Condemnationes. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 4

Charles I. Roi d'Angleterre décapité à Whitehall le 30e Janvier 1649 (1730)
from: Larrey, Isaac de. Geschiedenis van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Ierlandt; met een kort begrip der aanmerkelykste zaken, in andere ryken en staten voorgevallen. In het Fransch beschreven door den Heere De Larrey, Hof-en bezendings-raadt van zyne koninklyke majesteit van Pruissen. In het Nederduitsch uitgegeven, en uit de openbare gedenkschriften van Engelandt en de allernaauwkerigste oude en nieuwe schryvers merkelyk vermeerdert en verandert door Jan Lodewyk Schuer. Met heerlyke afbeeldselen en landkaarten versiert. Vieerde deel, Amsterdam, Joh. Covens en Corn. Mortier, 1730, vol. 4, p. 1
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Schismaticorum in Anglia Crudelitas. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 27
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 77
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

Execution of Quakers (1661)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK

Emblematic print referring to the execution of Charles I and the Stuart succession (1715)
British Museum, London

The Executions in England of Members of the Venerable English College of Rome, and the English College at Douai and Rheims, 1582-1583. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 35

The Martyrdom of Fathers John Rochester and James Walworth (1626 - 1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Execution of Charles I (18th Century)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK

The Burning and Martyrdome of Kerby. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Burning of Five Martyrs in Smithfield (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Description of the Burnyng of M. John Bradford Preacher, and John Leafe a Prentise (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Johannes Rogestus Mart. (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Execution of Lady Jane Grey (1833)
National Gallery, London

The Description of the Burning of Mr. John Bradford Preacher, and John Leaf a Prentice. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

Certaine Bishops Talking with Maister Bradford in Prison. (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Ioannes Bradeford Mart. (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Martyrdome of Iohn Cardmaker, and Iohn Warne Upholster, Anno 1555 May 30. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Persecution of the English Catholic Laity and Priests (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 34

The Martyrdom of Three Carthusians at the London Charterhouse (1626 - 1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 73
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 75
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

Schismaticorum in Anglia Crudelitas. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 29
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

Carthusians Arrested (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London

The Martyrdom of the Carthusian Monks, of Richard Reynolds and John Hales. 1535 (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 28

Martyrdoms of the Bishops Ridley and Latimer, who Were Burnt Together in One Fire at Oxford. [1765]
Wellcome Collection, London

K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK

The Burning of Thirteen Persons at Stratford the Bowe neer London,Wherof the two Women Went in Among them to the Stake Untied. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Talke Betwene Maister Bradford, and Two Spanish Friers (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Stratford Martyrs Memorial (1879)
from: St. John's Church, Stratford (UK), Archive
Stratford Broadway, UK

The Order and Manner of the Burning of the Constant Martyr of Christ, John Lambert. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

Prison and Death of the Ten Members of the London Charterhouse (1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

P. Alexander Briant, Soc. Iesu Londini pro fide Catholca suspensus et sectus. j, Decemb, 1581. (1608)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London

P. Franciscus Pagius Anglus Soc: IESU Londini in Anglia pro Fide Suspensus et Sectus. 30. Apr. 1602. (18th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London

Johan Knel of Buchner, en Anna Cantiana. 1550 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 99
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

The Death of the King (18th Century)
British Museum, London

Apprehensiones. Catholicorum. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 1

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1280)
from: Psalter, St John College, Cambridge, MS K.26 fol. 10r
St John College, Cambridge

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 71
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

El Beato John Houghton (17th Century)
Museo de Bellas Artes de Cádiz. Cádiz

Hugo Latymerus Martir (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Martyrdome of Thomas Benbridge, Anno 1558 July 19. (1583)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Martyrdom of John Forest, and Three Benedictine Abbots. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 29

Nicolaus Ridleius. Episcopus Londin. (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Thomas Crammerus (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Martyrdom of Four Monks at the Roermond Charterhouse (1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

The Martyrdom of John Fisher, Thomas More, and Margarete Pole, Countess of Salisbury. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 27

The Burning of Dr. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, in ye Towne Ditch at Oxford, With his Hand First Thrust Into ye Fire, Wherewith he Subscribed Before. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

Carthusian Martyrs (19th Century)
St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, England

The Burning of the Nlessed Martyr Thomas Tomkins (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

P. Edmundus Campianus, Robertus S'Herwinus, ende Alexander Briantus van de Societeijt Iesu worden te Londen voor het gheloof ghehanghen ende ghevierendeelt (17th Century)
from: Fleming Collection: Fleming's Granger (Vol. 1)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Nocturnae per Domos Inquisitiones. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 2

Carthusian Martyrs Drawn and Quartered (19th Century)
St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, England

Hugh Latimer (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 79
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

The patient Martyrdome of a Poore Woman at Exeter, Being one Prests Wife. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Burning of Richard Yeoman Minister at Norwich 1558 July 10. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Funeral of Freedom (1769)
British Museum, London

Martyrdome of D. Robert Barnes, Tho: Garret and William Hierome, in Smithfield, Anno 1541. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1212-1220)
from: Psalter, Oxford, MS M.43 fol. 11r
Morgan Library and Museum, New York

The Manner of Burning Anne Askew, Iohn Lacels, Iohn Adams, & Nicolas Beleman, with Certane of ye Counsell Sitting in Smithfield. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Burning of Christopher Schoomaker. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Burning of 3 Godly Martyrs at Norwich, (viz.) William Seaman, Tho: Carman, and Tho: Hudson, Anno 1558, May 6. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Cruell Burning of Geroge Marsh, Martyr. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Martyrdom of Cuthbert Mayne, Thomas Percy, Earl of Northhumberland, and others. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 30

Execution of Carthusians in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London

Three Godly Martyrs Burned in Smithfield, Anno 1558 March 28 (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Bishops who suffer'd Martyrdom for the Protestant Faith; under the Persecution of Queen Mary I [1700]
National Portrait Gallery, London

Oliver Cromwell between Two Pillars (above, The Sacrifice of Isaac) (1658)
Royal Collection Trust

The Martyrdome of Alexander Gouch, and Drivers wife. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

Martyr's Memorial, Oxford (19th Century)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK

The Racking of Edmund Campion (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 31

Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 85
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna

The Martyrdome of Cicely Ormes at Norwich. An. 1557 September (1570)
from: Foxe, J., Book of Martyrs, ninth ed. 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Martyrdom of the Priors of the English Charterhouses of London, Nottingham and Axholme (1626 - 1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Execution of Carthusians in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London

Guililmus Tyndallus Martyr (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Three Carthusian Martyrs (19th Century)
St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, England

P. Franciscus Pagius Anglus Soc: IESU Londini in Anglia pro Fide Catholica Suspensus et sectus A. 1602. 29. April. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London

Thomas Bilney sijn vinger ettelicke maael in de keers stekende, omsijn vleesch alsoo in 't toekomende lijden tot den brandt te beteyden. (1659)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van. Historie der martelaren, 1659, fol. 77
Ghent University

K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK

The Order and Manner of Taking up ye Body of John Wycliffe, and Burning his Bones 41. Years After his Death. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

Tormenta in Carceribus Inflicta. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 3

Execution of Three Carthusian Martyrs in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London

P. Robertus Southuell, Soc. Iesu Londini pro Cath. fide suspensus et sectus. 3. mar. 1595. (1608)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Burning of Thomas Wats, Martyr. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

The Loyall Sacrifice (1648) (1760 - 1799)
The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London

Nine Carthusian Martyrs Die of Starvation (19th Century)
St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, England

The Burning of William Flower at Westminster, ye 24 of April, Anno 1555 (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library

P. Petrus Wrichtus Anglus Soc. Iesu odio Sacerdoij Catholici suspensus, et membratim dissectus, in Anglia Londini. A. 1651. 29. Maij. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London

The Description of the Horrible Burning of Iohn Badby, and How he Was Used at his death. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library