Keyword: Americas – Image Gallery

Spanish conquistadors discovering victims of human sacrifices among the Incas (?) [1790-1799]
London, Wellcome Collection

Sacrifice des premiers nez chez les Floridiens, expliqué à la pag. 181. / Sacrifice de la dépoūille d'un cerf, à la Floride / Caraïbe offrant la Cassave et l'Ovicou, a un poteau érigé en titre ou symbole de la Divinité (Sacrifice of the firstborn by the Floridians. 2. Sacrifice of the stag in Florida. 3. A Carib offers cassava bread at a post symbolizing the deities) (1724)
from: Plate 7 in Lafitau, Moeurs des sauvages amériquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps, Paris, 1724

The tomb of the weroans – An Algonquian burial house showing bodies on a raised platform and a priest squatting by a fire beneath the platform. (1590)
from: Thomas Hariot, Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd Sitten der Wilden in Virginia, Franckfort am Mayn, Wechel-De Bry, 1590, plate 22

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1562)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Sotocoro, Temple of the Franciscan Ex-Convent of La Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico

Human sacrifice. Native American plunges a knife into another's chest. Two bodies hang, a statue of an idol or devil on a pillar stands at left (1554)
from: Pedro Cieza de León, Parte primera de la chronica del Peru, Antwerp, Iuan Steelsio, 1554, pag. 48

The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Iglesia de San Martín, Potosí, Bolivia

Sacrificial Knife (1648)
from: Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Musaeum metallicum, Bologna, 1648, p. 156

The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th-18th)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Private Collection, Lima, Perú

The Sacrifice of Isaac (s.d.)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Iglesia de San Sebastián, Cusco, Peru