Keyword: Africa – Image Gallery

Victims for Sacrifice (1793)
from: Dalzel, Archibad. The history of Dahomy, an inland Kingdom of Africa, London, T. Spilsbury and Son, 1793

Queen Nzinga sacrifices a man [illustration of Dapper Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten] (1676)
from: Olfert Dapper, Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten, Amsterdam, Meurs,1668, p. 238

Sacrifices among the Jagas (Sacrificio de Giaghi) (1665-1668)
from: Missione Evangelica al Regno del Congo [Araldi Ms, vol. C]
Gallerie Estensi, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena

Sacrifice of leopards was the prerogative of the king. Captured leopards were sacrified at the annual Igue ceremony. (16th-17th)
from: Benin City, Nigeria [Benin Brass Plaques]

Coutume des Sacrifices chez les Angolais (The practice of sacrificing among the Angolans) (1729)
from: Aa, Pieter van der, Galerie agreable du monde, Leiden. Pierre vander Aa, 1729
The Library Company of Philadelphia

a man sacrificing a fowl to one of the best known charms among the Akan, the nkabere charm. (18th-20th)
from: Ghana (The Kyekyere Nkabere charm (lit. to tie or bind the nkabere) was a common rite carried out throughout the Asante region during the pre-colonial and early colonial era).
British Museum, London

Abraham leading Isaac to the sacrifice (Ethiopian manuscript) [1800-1890]
Paris, BnF, Ms Ethiopien 389, fol. 9v

Scene of cow sacrifice on a relief brass plaques (16th-17th)
from: Benin City, Nigeria
British Museum, London