
The Sacrifice of Isaac (Persia, Shiraz, Timurid period)

Year: 1410-1411

From: Miniature from the Anthology of Sultan Iskandar (Persia, Shiraz)

Location: Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon

Edited by: Chiara Petrolini

Related Documents:

Riza-i-Abbasi, Aqa

Abraham's Sacrifice (1595)

from: Histoire du Coran ou Histoire des prophètes et des rois passés. Qisas al-anbiyyâ [Supplément Persan 1313, fol. 40]

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Isaac [1581]

from: Ishâq al-Nishâpûrî, Histoire du Coran ou Histoires des prophètes et des rois du passé. Qesas al-anbiyâ [Persan 54, fol. 32v]

Paris, BnF, ms Persan 54 fol. 32v


The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th)

from: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ, Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3