San Epitacio [...] obispo y martir
San Epitacio Apóstol y Pastor de Tui, ciudadano obispo y martir de Ambracia oy Plasencia, su vida y martirio. Escrivelo a la devocion y mandato del Illmo. y Rmo. Señor Don Diego de Arce Reynoso obispo de Plasencia [...] el Iuan de Tamayo Salazar su secretario [...]
Madrid: Diego Diez de la Carrera, 1646.
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Authority file:
Edited by: Michele Bosco
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Zaragoza: Herederos de Diego Dormer, 1694.