A discouerie of Edmund Campion ...
A discouerie of Edmund Campion, and his confederates, their most horrible and traiterous practises, against her Maiesties most royall person and the realme Wherein may be seene, how thorowe the whole course of their araignement: they were notably conuicted of euery cause. Whereto is added, the execution of Edmund Campion, Raphe Sherwin, and Alexander Brian, executed at Tiborne the 1. of December. Published by A.M. sometime the Popes scholler, allowed in the seminarie at Roome amongst them: a discourse needefull to be read of euery man, to beware how they deale with such secret seducers. Seene, and allowed.
London: Edward White, 1582.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/25398639/#Munday,_Anthony,_1553-1633.
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
Related Documents:
Edmund Campion, Martyr (1582)
from: A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, London, Christopher Barker
British Museum, London
P. Edmundus Campianus, Robertus S'Herwinus, ende Alexander Briantus van de Societeijt Iesu worden te Londen voor het gheloof ghehanghen ende ghevierendeelt (17th Century)
from: Fleming Collection: Fleming's Granger (Vol. 1)
National Portrait Gallery, London
A true reporte of the death and martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, and M. Sherwin, and M. Bryan preistes, at Tiborne the first of December 1581 Observid and written by a Catholike preist, which was present therat Wheruuto [sic] is annexid certayne verses made by sundrie persons.
London: Richard Verstegan, 1581.