The First New Chronicle and Good Government: On the History of the World and the Incas up to 1615
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Of Summits and Sacrifice: An Ethnohistoric Study of Inka Religious Practices
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009.
Religious practices of the native Americans of Peru. Priests sacrifice animals on a bonfire, throw rocks with serpents or snakes and animals painted on them, and eviscerate animals. (1671)
from: Arnoldus Montanus, De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld, Amsterdam, Jacob Meurs, 1671, p. 309
John Carter Brown Library
El Primer Nueva Corónica i Buen Gobierno. Conpuesto por Don Phelipe Guaman Poma de Aiala, Señor i Príncipe Su Santidad Sacra Católica Real Magestad F. G. P. D. Aiala, Préncipe, el Reino de las Indias. Quinientas y noventa y siete oxas
n. p. [Peru]: n. p. [Manuscript conserved at the Royal Library of Denmark, Copenhagen], 1615-1616.
Native American priest sacrifices or eviscerates a victim before an idol. (1774)
from: Zárate, Agustin de, Histoire de la découverte et de la conquête du Perou, vol. I, Compagnie des libraires, 1774, p. 64
John Carter Brown Library