Publish and Perish: the Scribal Culture of the Marian Martyrs
in: The Uses of Script and Print, 1300−1700, pp. 235−254
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
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Dissenters from a Dissenting Church: The Challenge of the Freewillers, 1550-1558
in: The Biginnings of English Protestantism , pp. 129-156
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
The Good Ministrye of Godlye and Vertuouse Women: The Elizabethan Martyrologists and the Female Supporters of the Marian Martyrs
in: Jounral of British Studies, v. 39 (2000), issue 1: pp.8 - 33.
Research, Rumour and Propaganda:Anne Boleyn in Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs'
in: Historical Journal, v. 38 (1995), issue : pp.797-819.
Mary's Protestant Martyrs and Elizabeth's Catholic Traitors in the Age of Catholic Emancipation
in: Church History, v. 51 (1982), issue 2: pp.172-185.
The Importance of Dying Earnestly: The Metamorphosis of the Account of James Bainham in Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs'
in: The Church Retrospective, pp. 267-288
Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1887.