Discours du vray sacrifice et du vray sacrificateur, œuvre monstrant à l'œil, par tesmoignage de la Saincte Escripture, les abus et resveries de la messe et l'ignorance, superstition et impostures des prebstres
Discours du vray sacrifice et du vray sacrificateur, œuvre monstrant à l'œil, par tesmoignage de la Saincte Escripture, les abus et resveries de la messe et l'ignorance, superstition et impostures des prebstres
Lyon: Jean Saugrain, 1563.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/91144648395483092021
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
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[Magdeburg]: [Christianus Rhodius], 1550.
De mystico et incruento ecclesiae sacrificio adversus abominandam Pontificiae missae superstitionem
Neustadt (Wied): Matthaeus Harnisch, 1584.
The Lambe speaketh. Anti-catholic satire with a wolf-headed Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, biting the neck of a sacrificial lamb suspended by its hind legs above an altar; to right, the bishops of London and Durham, the dean of Westminster and other Roman Catholic clerics (all with wolves' heads) drink the blood that spurts from the lamb; at Gardiner's feet lie six further lambs bearing the names of Cranmer, Ridley and other Protestant reformers; at upper left, three men pull at a rope tied around Gardiner's neck (members of the House of Lords who threw out Gardiner's heresy bill on 1 May 1554) while at lower left a group of gullible men (the Commons who had passed the bill a month earlier) are attached from rings in their noses to a rope around Gardiner's waist; the Pope as the devil appears top right (1555)
British Museum, London