A supplement to the Remarks on the Reverend Dr. Waterland's Review of the doctrine of the Eucharist: Containing, some remarks on the said Doctor's Christian sacrifice explain'd, and the appendix added to it
A supplement to the Remarks on the Reverend Dr. Waterland's Review of the doctrine of the Eucharist: Containing, some remarks on the said Doctor's Christian sacrifice explain'd, and the appendix added to it
London: James Bettenham, 1738.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/33417657
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
Related Documents:
The Christian sacrament and sacrifice. Missale Romanum
London: Vincent J.; Hatchard and son, 1847.
Dispvtatio XVII. Svmma Abominationis Pontificiae In Negocio Evcharistico
Jena: Tobias Steinmann, 1596.
Disputatio de Eucharistiae sacramento et missae sacrificio per theses explicata publiceque defensa (respondente Sebastiano Faber)
Ingolstadt: [Alexander] Weissenhorn ; [Samuel] Weissenhorn, 1566.
De Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento Et Sacrificio Theologica Disputatio
Dillingen an der Donau: Ioannes Mayer, 1588.