Hierozoicon Sive bipertitum opus De Animalibus Sacrae Scripturae : Pars Prior Agit Libris quatuor De Animalibus in genere. Et De Quadrupedibus Viviparis Et Oviparis. Pars Posterior Agit Libris sex De Avibus, Serpentibus, Insectis, Aquaticis, Et Fabulosis Animalibus. Cum Indice septuplici
Hierozoicon Sive bipertitum opus De Animalibus Sacrae Scripturae : Pars Prior Agit Libris quatuor De Animalibus in genere. Et De Quadrupedibus Viviparis Et Oviparis. Pars Posterior Agit Libris sex De Avibus, Serpentibus, Insectis, Aquaticis, Et Fabulosis Animalibus. Cum Indice septuplici
London: Thomas Roycroft , 1663.
Other editions:
London, Martyn & Allestry, 1663; Frankfurt, Johann David Zunner, 1675; Leiden, C. Boutesteyn and S. Luchtmans, 1712; also reprinted in Samuelis Bocharti Opera omnia: hoc est Phaleg, Canaan, et Hierozoicon [...], Leiden, Cornelius Boutesteyn and Jordan Luchtmans, 1692
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/59167015
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
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