Avelli, Francesco Xanto, School of - Aspertini, Amico, After

The sacrifice of Abel

Year: [1500-1542]

Location: Louvre, Paris

Edited by: Chiara Petrolini

Related Documents:

Veneziani, Agostino - Aspertini, Amico, After

The Sacrifice of Abel (1530-1535)

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham carrying a torch and a sword, followed by Isaac with firewood, who has no banderole with text (15th)

from: Speculum humanae salvationis Stiftsbibliothek - Cod. 166, fol. 24v

Neustift bei Brixen (Novacella), Stiftsbibliothek