Tumi, Ritual Knife
Year: 12th–15th
From: Peru, North Coast
Location: Metropolitan Museum, New York
External link: www.metmuseum.org
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
Scene of worship and human sacrifice at a native American or Mexican temple (1691)
from: Antonio de Solís y Rivadeneira, Histoire de la conquête du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, Paris, Boudot, 1691. p. 275
Sacrificial Knife (1634)
from: Liceti, Fortunio, Pyronarcha, sive, De fulminum natura deque febrium origine, Crivellarum, Padua, 1634, p. 123
Native Americans [?] sacrifice children on an altar. Includes priests with knives who place the infants on a pyre. (1662)
from: Schultze, Gottfried, De nieuwe bereysde wereldt, Iohannes Tongerloo, La Hague, 1662, frontespiece
The John Carter Brown Library