A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the [...] Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite ...
A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, and Other Condemned Priestes, Witnessed by Their Owne Confessions: in Reproofe of those Slaunderous Bookes & Libels Delivered Out to the Contrary by Such as are Malitiously Affected Towards her Maiestie and the State
Related Documents:
Renowned Jesuits: Georgius Fernandez. Gomezius Damrillus, Edumndus Campianus, Alexander Briant, Thomas Cottamus (1608)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Edmund Campion, Martyr (1582)
from: A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, London, Christopher Barker
British Museum, London
P. Thomas Cottamus Angl. Londini pro Fide Cat. sospensus gladioque sectus. 9 Iul. 1582. (18th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London