Two humans are sacrificed on this picture. One is drowned in a holy spring and one is burned. The man with a sword symbolizes probably another way of sacrificing of humans. To the right worshipping people.
Year: 1555
From: Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, Roma,Giovanni M. Viotto, 1555 (Book 3, Ch. 7, On the Geats’ Worship and Sacrifice, De sacrisi, et sacrificiis Gothorum).
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Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, earumque diversis statibus, conditionibus, moribus, ritibus ... necnon universis pene animalibus in Septentrione degentibus, eorumque natura (Book 3, Ch. 7, On the Geats’ Worship and Sacrifice, De sacrisi, et sacrificiis Gothorum)
Rome: Giovanni M. Viotto, 1555.
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from: Pedro Cieza de León, Parte primera de la chronica del Peru, Antwerp, Iuan Steelsio, 1554, pag. 48
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from: Antonio de Solís y Rivadeneira, Histoire de la conquête du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, Paris, Boudot, 1691. p. 275
Moloch (1652 - 1654)
from: Athanasius Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus, V. Mascardi, Roma,1652-1654