A briefe historie of the glorious martyrdom of XII. reverend priests ...
A briefe historie of the glorious martyrdom of XII. reverend priests, executed within these twelve monethes for confession and defence of the Catholike faith But under the false pretence of treason. With a note of sundrie things that befel them in their life and imprisonment: and a preface declaring their innocencie. Set furth by such as were much conversant vwith them in their life, and present at their arraignement and death. Occidistis, sed non possedistis. that is you have slaine them, but you have not gotten possession.
Rheims: Jean Foigny, 1582.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/9856234/#Allen,_William,_1532-1594
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
Related Documents:
The Executions in England of Members of the Venerable English College of Rome, and the English College at Douai and Rheims, 1582-1583. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 35
Edmund Campion, Martyr (1582)
from: A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, London, Christopher Barker
British Museum, London