Un Epistolario de Bernardo José Aldrete (1612-1623)
Seville: Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Cultura), 2009.
4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Edited by: Michele Bosco
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Venice: Johannes Leoviller ; Franciscus de Madiis, 1486.
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in: Studies on to the Reformation, pp. 248-274
Boston: Beacon Press, 1963.
Un Epistolario de Bernardo José Aldrete (1612-1623)
Seville: Archivo General de Andalucía (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura), 2009.