Keyword: Suovetaurilia – Image Gallery

Suovetaurilia, the sacrifice of a pig (sus), a sheep (ovis) and a bull (taurus) (1585-1588)
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

Ancient ritual sacrifice depicting a boar, a bull and a ram (suovetaurilia) being brought towards the altar at right, after a Roman relief from the Julio-Claudian era (1544-1577)
from: Series: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, published in Rome

Suovetaurilia; at right bulls, rams and boars being brought towards the altar positioned in front of the entrance of a circular temple, various animals being sacrificed to left. (1566)
from: An illustration to Onofrio Panvinio's 'De Ludis Circensibus', published in Rome
The British Museum, London