Keyword: Royalists – Image Gallery
K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Execution of Charles I (18th Century)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
King Charles the Martyr (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings, [London], s.n., 1548 [1649], Frontispiece
British Museum, London
The Loyall Martyrology (1665)
from: Winstanley, William. The Loyall Martyrology, or Brief Catalogues and Characters of the Most Eminent Persons Who Suffered Their Conscience During the Last Times of Rebelion, Either by Death, Imprisonment, Banishment, or Sequestration; Together With Those Who Were Slain in the Kings Service. As Also, Dregs of Treacehry: With the Catalogue and Characters of Those Regicides Who Sat as Judges on Our Late Dread Soveraign of Ever Blessed Memory; With Others of That Gang, Most Eminent for Villany. For Encouragement to Virtue, and Determent from Vice, London, Thomas Mobb-Edward Thomas, 1665, Frontispiece
British Museum, London
The Execution of Charles I of England [1649]
Scottish National Gallery
Execution of Charles I [1680]
British Museum, London
Konincklick memoriael (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. Konincklick memoriael. War in het innerlijk gemoet van sijne H. Mojesteyt Carolus Stuart Koninck van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Yrlandt, naer 't leven afgebeeldt wordt. In sijne gevanckenis en lijdsaemheyt by hem selver in 't Engelsch beschreven; en in Nederduytsch vertaelt, Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1640, Frontispice.
British Museum, London
D' klagende Koninck Carolus Stuart [1650]
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Basilika. The Works of Charles I (1662)
from: Basilika. The Works of King charles the Martyr: With a Collection of Declarations, Treaties, and Other Papers Concerning the Differences betwixt His Said Majesty and His Two Houses of Parliament, London, James Flesher, 1662, Frontispice
British Museum, London
The Death of the King (18th Century)
British Museum, London
Abscheulichste Unehörte Execution, an wehland dem Durchleuchtig- und Grossmächtigsten Carl Stuart, König in Gross Britannien, Franctreich und Irrland vorgangen in Londen vor der Residents Whithall, Dienstag den 30 Janua: 9 Februa: Anno 1640. Nachmittag zwischen 2 und 3 uhren [1649]
National Portrait Galllery, London
The Royal Martyr King Charles the First (1735)
British Museum, London
Het tooneel der Enghelsche ellenden [1651]
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Martyrdom of King Charles the 1st (?th Century)
British Museum, London
K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Charles I and Archbishop Laud Kneeling in Prayer (17th Century)
British Museum, London
Corruptibilem pro incorruptibile (1717)
British Museum, London
Execution of Charles the First (1649)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
A liuely Representation of the manner how his late Majesty was beheaded uppon the Scaffold Ian 30: 1648 [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Thomas Wentworth Speaks before His Execution (1701)
from: Ludolff, Hiob. Allgemeine Schau-Bühne der Welt, oder: Beschreibung der vornehmsten Welt-Geschichte. Deel II, Frankfurt am Main, Johann David Zunnern, 1701, vol. 2, p. 905
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam