Keyword: Moses – Image Gallery

Allegory of the Old and New Testaments and the Church triumphing over the Synagogue (1523)
from: Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti
Ferrara, Pinacoteca

God telling Moses how to make sacrifices (1538)
from: Holbein, Hans, Les simulachres & historiees faces de la mort, autant elegamment pourtraictes, que artificiellement imaginées, Lyon, Melchior and Gaspar Trechsel [for Jean and François Frellon]
Louvre, Paris

Exod. XXXII, Moyses frange datae tabula a numine Legis [1712]
from: C. Wiegel, Historiae celebriores veteris testamenti iconibus representatae, et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae a Christophoro Weigelio, Noribergae, 1712, n. p.

Sacrifice of a Lamb (14th)
from: Saint Augustin, La Cité de Dieu, traduite en français par Raoul de Presles, livres I-X
Paris, BnF, Français 20, fol. 253

The Punishment of Korah and the Stoning of Moses and Aaron (1481 - 1482)
Sistine Chapel, Wall, Vatican

The sacrifice of Moses (1586)
Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli