Keyword: Frontispiece – Image Gallery
De sanctorum martyrum cruciatibus [frontispice] (1602)
from: A. Gallonio, De sanctorum martyrum cruciatibus. Antonii Gallonii [...] liber [...] nunc primum in Germania [...] editus, Colonia, J. Gymnicum, 1602.
The Confession of Richard Brandon the Hangman [1649]
from: The Confession of Richard Brandon the Hangman (Upon His Death Bed) Concerning His Beheading His Late Majesty, Charles the First, King of Great Britain; and His Protestation and Vow Touching the Smae; the Manner how He Was Terrified in Conscience; the Apparitions and Visions Which Apeared Unto Him; the Great Judgement that Befell Him Three Dayes Before He Dy’d; and the Manner How He Was Carryed to White-Chappell Churchyard on Thursday Night Last, the Strange Actions That Happened Thereupon; With the Merry Conceits of the Crowne Cook and His Providing Mourning Cords for the Buriall, [London], s.n., [1649], Frontispice
British Library, London
Aesculapius and Two Figures making Sacrifice to Nature (1634)
from: Nardi, G. Lactis physica analysis, n. p., n. p., 1634
The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Oliver Cromwell on Horseback (1671)
from: Galardi, Ferdinand de. La tyranie heureuse ou Cromwel politique, avec ses artifices et intrigues dans tout le cours de sa conduite, Leiden, Jean Pauwels, 1671, Frontispice
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Abel Sacrifice (1600)
from: De l'eloquence françoise, Edition nouelle, reueue & augme[n]tee, Paris, Abel L'Angelier, 1600
The Loyall Sacrifice (1648) (1760 - 1799)
The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Scenes of sacrifice (1685)
from: Title page of Herman Witsius, De oeconomia foderum Dei cum hominibus, Leeuwarden, 1685
Abel Sacrifice (1618)
from: Traicté du feu et du sel. Excellent et rare opuscule du Sieur Blaise de Vigenère, Bourbonnois, trouvé parmy ses papiers après son décès, Paris, Abel Langelier, 1618
Basilika. The Works of Charles I (1662)
from: Basilika. The Works of King charles the Martyr: With a Collection of Declarations, Treaties, and Other Papers Concerning the Differences betwixt His Said Majesty and His Two Houses of Parliament, London, James Flesher, 1662, Frontispice
British Museum, London
King Charles the Martyr (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings, [London], s.n., 1548 [1649], Frontispiece
British Museum, London
Ifigenia Treuspel (1715)
from: Racine. Jean. Ifigenia in Aulis, treurspel, Amsterdam, Jacob Lescailje, 1715, Frontespiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Triumph of Christ´s Sacrifice (1733 - 1735)
from: Rentz, H. Das christliche Jahr, oder, Die Episteln und Evangelien [...], Prag, Labaunischen Erben, 1733 - 1735
The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Sacrifice of a Lamb by Four Men (1630(?))
from: Luther, Martin. Biblia das ist Die gantze Holy Scriptures Durch D. Martin Luther verutscht Strasbourg, Zetzner, [1630], Frontispiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Tikkun Kriah le-Kol Leilah ve-Yom (Prayer Book) (1666)
The Center for Jewish Art