Keyword: Christ – Image Gallery

The Circumcision of the infant Christ (1503-1505)
from: Germany. Series: Life of the Virgin
British Museum, London

Agnus Dei. (1635-1640)
Museo del Prado, Madrid

Raspeće Hristovo i stradanja apostola(Crucifixion and the Martyrdoms of the Apostles) (1751)
Galerija Matice Srpske, Novi Sad

The Adoration of the Lamb (1432)
from: The Ghent Altarpiece (or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb), St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium
St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium

The Circumcision of Christ (1600-1610)
from: Netherland. Series: The early life of Christ
British Museum, London

The Circumcision of Christ (1620-1626)
from: France. Series: Vita Deiparae Virginis Mariae

Allegory of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist [1460]
Chiesa di S. Salvatore, Campi, Norcia (Umbria, Italia)