Purchas his Pilgrimage, or, Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discouered, from the creation unto this present : in foure partes : this first containeth a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent : declaring the ancient religions before the floud, the heathnish, Jewish, and Saracenicall in all ages since [...] with briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries, priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same
Purchas his Pilgrimage, or, Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discouered, from the creation unto this present : in foure partes : this first containeth a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent : declaring the ancient religions before the floud, the heathnish, Jewish, and Saracenicall in all ages since [...] with briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries, priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same
London: William Stansby; Henrie Fetherstone, 1613.
Other editions:
London, William Stansby, 1614; London, William Stansby, 1617
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/22239295
Edited by: Dennj Solera
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