Sacrifice to Priapus
Year: 1540 - 1550
Location: British Museum (Dep. of Prints and Drawings), London
Edited by: Dennj Solera
Related Documents:
Ancient Ritual Sacrifice (1553)
from: Lafréry, Antoine. Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae [...], Roma, n. p., 1553, A 110
University of Chicago Library, Chicago
Persons Bringing Sacrifices to Hercules [1526 - 1550]
British Museum (Dep. of Prints and Drawings), London
Keywords: Ancient GreeksEngravings
Sacrifice to Priapus (16th Century)
Warburg Institute, London, Bartsch Collection (B.XIV.207.258)
Sacrifice to or by Image of Minerva (1513)
from: Poliziano, A. La Giostra di Giuliano de Medici, Florence, n. p., n. p., 1513, fol. V
Warburg Institute, Hamburg stamp, London