An explication of the holy sacrifice of the mass, by G.H. To which is added, Instructions and devotions for confession, communion, and Confirmation
An explication of the holy sacrifice of the mass, by G.H. To which is added, Instructions and devotions for confession, communion, and Confirmation
London: James Peter Coghlan, 1779.
Authority file:
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
Related Documents:
Tractatus de sacramentis: Complectens tractatus de eucharistia, sacrificio missae, et ordine
without place: Juan de Villodas y Orduña, 1629.
De Eucharistiae Sanctissimo Sacramento, et Divino Missae Sacrificio: dubitationes scholasticae [et] morales : super tertiam partem summae doctoris Angelici D. Thomae, à quaestione 73 usque 83
Collegio S. Thomae [?]: Franciscus Coxedus, 1662.