Bremmer, J. ; Bremmer, J. (Ed.)

Myth and Ritual in Greek Human Sacrifice: Lykaon, Polyxena, and the Case of the Rhodian Criminal

in: The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, pp. 55-79

Leuven - Paris - Dudley: Peeters, 2007.

Edited by: Marco Albertoni

Related Documents:

Burkert, Walter; Jerryson, M.; Juergensmeyer, M.; Kitts, M. (Ed.)

Sacrificial Violence: A Problem in Ancient Religions

in: The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence, pp. 437–454

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.


Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1495)

from: Raoul Le Fèvre: Recueil des histoires de Troie (Belgium)

Paris, BnF, Français 22552, fol. 227