Confounding Blood : Jewish Narratives of Sacrifice and Violence in Late Antiquity
in: Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice, pp. 265-286
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Edited by: Dennj Solera
Related Documents:
Yom Kippuring Passover: Recombinant Sacrifice in Early Christianity
in: Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible, pp. 65-83
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
Sacrifice of Isaac, with captions in Ashkenazi square script. Isaac is kneeling on the altar, Abraham is lifting the knife, but an angel prevents him from hurting his son by grabbing his knife. The same angel points to the ram caught in a bush on the left. Beneath, at the foot of the mountain, the two servants, the donkey and a dog are resting in a field (1460)
from: Add. MS 14759 fol. 1v
British Library, London
Scene of Jewish offering (1470)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands