A Coffin for King Charles: A Crowne for Cromwell ...
A Coffin for King Charles: A Crowne for Cromwell: A Pit for the People. You May Sing This to the Tune of Saine I Would
[London]: n.p., [1649].
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
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The Loyall Martyrology (1665)
from: Winstanley, William. The Loyall Martyrology, or Brief Catalogues and Characters of the Most Eminent Persons Who Suffered Their Conscience During the Last Times of Rebelion, Either by Death, Imprisonment, Banishment, or Sequestration; Together With Those Who Were Slain in the Kings Service. As Also, Dregs of Treacehry: With the Catalogue and Characters of Those Regicides Who Sat as Judges on Our Late Dread Soveraign of Ever Blessed Memory; With Others of That Gang, Most Eminent for Villany. For Encouragement to Virtue, and Determent from Vice, London, Thomas Mobb-Edward Thomas, 1665, Frontispiece
British Museum, London
Konincklick memoriael (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. Konincklick memoriael. War in het innerlijk gemoet van sijne H. Mojesteyt Carolus Stuart Koninck van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Yrlandt, naer 't leven afgebeeldt wordt. In sijne gevanckenis en lijdsaemheyt by hem selver in 't Engelsch beschreven; en in Nederduytsch vertaelt, Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1640, Frontispice.
British Museum, London
Eikōn ē pistē. Or, the Faifhfull Pourtraicture of a Loyall Subject, in Vindication of Eikon Basilike. Otherwise Intituled The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie, in His Solitudes and Sufferings. In Answer to an Insolent Book, Intituled Eikōn alēthinē: Whereby Occasion Is Taken, to Handle All the Controverted Points Relating to These Times
n.p.: n.p., 1649.